Retro Electronica

Harrison and I checked out Gameboy Music Club at the Rockland Center for the Arts. This was a preview of performers who would be appearing at the International Blip Festival.

We only stayed for the first artist – Bubblyfish – after making our donation and sitting on a wooden floor for two reasons: I’m in the final, crunch phase of a commisioned portrait and my son was drifting off. How he could nod off with louder than necessary 8-bit Gameboy music blaring I’ll never know!

We also had a good time playing some co-op Super Mario Galaxy, despite a migraine and a head cold.

Is there truly nothing new?

Besides the latest, limited release Episode IV of my Flash game “Peek ‘N Point” on (a twist – “Spot the Differences” version which I designed and ActionScripted)?

There is some hustle and bustle going on in the office clearing out a storage space/supply closet to configure a working area for people who need quiet. Can you guess who the inspiration for this is? Moi…

I don’t care who I share an office with – anything would be better than the way I have been forced to work for the last year. Tomorrow is my one year anniversary and this is a pretty good gift.

On a sadder note, we’re driving to Michigan for a long weekend to essentially say good-bye to my father-in-law. He has a ticket to the Philippines, where he figures the environment coupled with his asthma will help bring the end to his life that the devastating strokes have hastened.

This won’ t be fun. I’m reading Advance Digital Photography by Tom Ang to divert myself.