I posted to my LinkedIn the blog from ComputerWorld that alerted me to this new development. You can read the original here by Preston Galla.
When I initially saw the Metro style in new machines in the brick-and-mortar world and sauntered over with my years of Window’s experience I was struck at how I had no idea how to run it through its paces in the Staples store. This was unacceptable, since I need to stay on top of Windows innovations in my field. I have been known to buy a new PC for the latest “important rev” of the GUI; but not for each and every Windows – I skipped over Vista entirely. Once I finally landed a great deal on Windows 8, I found myself stumped and came up with this comic, which I count as one of my favorites.
As my crushing workload has been compounded as the go-to, in-house tech support at my employer I recall vividly our head of Operations (a bright guy and one of my favorite people) opening new laptop rentals with Windows 8. He called me over and said “Tim, how the hell do you work this?”. My advice was to allow yourself 90 minutes to read the tutorials, and know that without a touch screen (these were not) you are a second-class citizen in the eyes of Microsoft development.
Of course the blogosphere is blowing up over Microsoft “back-peddling”, but I see it another, more positive way. Users spoke, and Microsoft listened. Give us a choice which startup environment to set as default.
In related matters I picked up a great book at Barnes and Noble store called “The New Rules of Marketing and PR” by David Meerman Scott. Even early into the first few chapters, it seems Microsoft is embracing feedback from customers and reacting nimbly. Microsoft caves, we win. Bravo to Microsoft PR, and for eliminating one or two keystrokes from my Windows 8 experience – thank you.